Currently: July


Woah so it’s been almost exactly a month since I last posted…and there has been so much going on since then. Last time I was here things were nuts and I was in a valley, this time…well, things aren’t as low but I’m not shouting from the rooftops either. Even as I type this my computer is giving me the business BUT I’m trying to keep my focus on positivity strong.

A little bit of what’s been up this past month…

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Currently: June


It’s that time again! I missed doing a currently in the month of May because it was sooo hectic. This month hasn’t been anywhere near as hectic but it certainly has been exhausting so let’s just dive right in…

Reading: I have really failed in the reading department here lately. I’ve been using that word a lot…fail…this month. I started reading Orange is the New Black because it was at work, and I got to chapter 3, but I’ve since left that job…as of like…not even a week ago…so I am no longer reading that at the moment. All though I did suggest that for the first book of the book club SKB and I plan to start…if that ever happens. I also realized that I have developed a really bad habit of starting books and not finishing them here recently and I want to end that! I’ve been learning lots of things about myself here lately actually…..

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