Date Night: Bob Ross paint night

I feel it’s important that you know that I am listening to 60’s and 70’s greatest hits on Pandora while I write this. And it’s epic. Perfect soundtrack.

set up


Bob Ross is on Netflix.

Yep. You read that right! You heard it here first ladies and gents! Ok so you probably heard it first on facebook (or was it Instagram?) like me but regardless- seeing it is glorious, right? If you’re not a fan of Bob Ross, then that means you’re not a fan of talent, witty one liners, random animal videos and peace. ok?! In all seriousness though, if you haven’t sat and watched an episode of one of his quick painting tutorials or you remember them as boring pbs segments from when you were a kid (because I mean, Power Rangers, amiright?), you should totally give it another try like we did!

I’ve always thought Bob was super chill but hadn’t really given watching one of his episodes a thought beyond his epic fro for a while. When I saw the fro was on Netflix, I asked Andre to watch one with me one night and he liked the idea so we cuddled up on the couch with some snacks and really enjoyed watching! We were obviously impressed with his painting skills, but we were laughing and chatting and just genuinely having a good time so we decided for our next date night, we would attempt to follow a Bob Ross painting tutorial!

I do want to say though that this was a bit easier for us in terms of cash flow because Andre’s mom is an artist so we had access to paintbrushes, all the colors Ross himself used and we each had our own easel and canvas. We actually didn’t spend any money for this date! I realize that not everyone will be able to do that but if you already have some supplies that will work, use those! They don’t have to be exactly what he used ;) Also- this date night idea might not be for everyone. It’s important (in my opinion) to choose date nights that fit your relationship’s personality and your budget!

my set up

paintsour paints!

halfway therehalfway there!

whoopsWe missed a crucial step so when we pulled off our masking tape we had big blank spots on our canvas! haha! I decided to do my best at filling it in with sky and Andre decided to keep the imperfection as it made his artwork even more unique to our night together (insert laughing face emoji here, but also a heart)

finished paintings 2Our finished products! (the painting above the TV was done by his mother and the face with the owl headdress was done by his sister)

JSJ finished paintingMine

APJ finished paintingAndre’s!

extra art 1We used paper for our color palette for some cool “extra” art

extra art 2

extra art 3

finished paintings 1

I had so much fun on this night! After we messed up with the tape, my clouds kinda went to shit and Andre went crazy with his sky but I don’t think I would have these paintings look any other way :) It fills my heart to the brim to be able to have these nights with my guy. I love him so much for so many reasons. I SO appreciate him setting all of this up and taking this time out of his day off to make my heart’s desires for this date come to fruition! And I totally didn’t realize it but this night helped me cross another thing off of my humble bucket list…. ;)

I hope you’re all able to take some time out with your sweetheart at some point this week!

Also- I would like to dedicate this post to Richard and Mildred Loving. I am so thankful that I am able to post about date nights with my husband…who happens to be of another race. Today, June 12th, 2016 is the 49th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling that it was unconstitutional to tell people they couldn’t get married just because they weren’t the same race. I am so thankful for Richard and Mildred for having the courage to fight for their love, ensuring that mine would not be illegal. Rad more about them HERE and HERE.
