The power of positive thought: The Dress


So if you read, skimmed or just looked at the photos on my Memorial Day weekend post, then you’ve already seen the above photo (or on IG @jlynnjustad) but I’m not a fashion blogger so that’s the best photo I have of the dress that was a huge source of encouragement to be a couple of weeks ago! If you know me personally, you’re probably tired of hearing me talk about the power of positive thought haha! It’s such a real thing though and could work for anyone if they put the intense effort it takes to use it, so I love sharing about it and all the examples in my life of how it really works!

Being positive doesn’t come naturally to me. I’m not sure why that is (millennial much?) but a couple of years ago I was introduced to this movie (which it’s not really a movie movie) that was made from this book called The Secret. It can seem kinda whacko at first I think because no one wants to feel like they need anything from the ‘self help section’ haha, but the message was so uplifting and encouraging that I watched it probably 1000 times over the next year. I got to the point where I would be cleaning up around the house and just have it on in the background.

It’s all about staying positive no matter what, exuding good energy through it all, even when it doesn’t seem like things are going your way.  The overall message is to shun negativity always! When I was first starting to try to put this into practice, it was as the movie says, exhausting. Just being honest. Despite this though, I pressed on and I can tell it’s becoming so much easier. I’m also seeing the fruits of the positive energy that I choose more and more…like with this dress!

I had my eye on this dress first when I saw another blogger had done a post on it. I wish I could link it but I can’t find where I saved it since Andre updated the computer but if I do, I will post it! That was maybe last year sometime? I tried to find it and couldn’t so I just let it go with no hard feelings about the situation. A few months ago, when looking for dresses to bring with me to Charleston I came across the dress on Asos!! I had finally found it!!! Except….

It was white.

I don’t care what they say about what’s “in&trendy” unless the bride specifically requests white, I’m not wearing white. Call me old fashioned. I was SO bummed because on the blogger’s post, it looked lavender. The fact that it was white and over $100 contributed to my decision to continue my search for a dress for the wedding&our Thursday birthday plans. There was a pink version but Andre didn’t like that one as much so I went with another dress for the wedding and headed out the week of the trip to find something for our birthday dinner locally.

I popped in this little consignment store near where I live that my sister suggested and while flipping through a rack of dresses that didn’t look like the sort of style I was looking for….I saw the exact dress.

My heart stopped for a split second. I checked the tag…it was my size.

I tried it on, not even caring about the price. It fit perfectly.

I checked the price…$18!!!!

The girl who worked at the store told me I looked fab and that it was a red dot item so it was 50% OFF!

I checked out with my dress in hand after only paying $9!!!!!!!!

I thanked the Universe and knew I had my Thursday night birthday dress! I was so excited. It was something that I wanted but didn’t think I could have and I just remained positive, believing that I would find exactly what I needed and there it was. A dress I had been eyeing for at least six months, there for me for a fraction of the online cost. I was and AM so thankful. I got so many compliments and felt amazing even just standing in my hotel room.

I hope if you’re reading this that you’re encouraged by this crazy story to just stay positive no matter what. Don’t let any disappointment no matter how small or large overwhelm you and cause you to let negativity take over. If you want something but it appears you can’t have it…choose to believe that everything is going to go your way anyway. That’s my favorite affirmation,

⇒ “Everything is going to go my way.” ⇐

because it doesn’t grasp total control but it holds on to the notion that it all works out for our good and I really dig that message ;)

If you’d like to purchase this dress it’s actually on sale through Asos right now, you can check it out here. The pink version I think is so gorgeous although it’s not on sale currently, you can find it here. There is also a new grey style that I probably would have scooped for the wedding had I seen it before I got the one I ended up wearing haha but I guess the Universe had something special waiting in the wings! You can find that one here.

I hope you feel even the slightest bit encouraged on this Friday afternoon! Have a great weekend and know that you are loved! ♥
