Movies I’m stoked to watch this holiday season

Holiday movie favorites from The Starling's Journey*I don’t always make blog post graphics, but when I do, they’re super precious*

As you probably already know if you’ve been hanging around this space for a bit…summer is my jam. It’s my all time favorite season and I have a hard time letting go every year.

But, even though summer is my absolute fav, a week or so ago (before Halloween! Can you believe it?!) I caught myself getting excited for some of my favorite holiday movies. So, I thought I would share in the excitement of all the others out there heading full speed ahead into cooler weather and warmer drinks (just not pumpkin spice lattes…). I mean, it is the first week of Novemeber!

Some of these are classics, some are just ones I really enjoy watching every year…over and over again of course! I’ve also added drink selections to go along with these movies to help set the vibe.

Happy ChristmasO1Via

1. Happy Christmas

Beverage to enjoy while watching: Grapefruit Rosemary Mule Ok going to be honest, I haven’t had this yet but when I found the recipe I knew I wanted to try it and I feel like a Moscow Mule of some sort would pair really well with this movie because they are kinda hipsterish right now and I totally feel like a hipster when watching this.

This is the movie that actually inspired this post. I was just thinking about how I’m really pumped to watch it again. It came out last year and we just decided to watch it at random really. I want to say it was on Netflix? I like Anna Kendrick so I’m sure she was the pull for me to watch it, but it’s the little boy who steals the show. I mean, he is just adorable. It’s an indie film shot in a way that makes it look kinda old school-ish? Not sure that makes any sense at all but you’ll understand if/when you watch it. Because I’m assuming you hold my opinion in really high regard.

The story follows a girl who moves in with her brother, his wife and their young child during the holiday season because she’s a screw up and yada yada. It’s not really exciting, it’s just a sweet little story about some people who care a lot about each other who end up learning more about themselves from spending time with one another. It’s warm and fuzzy without being over the top at all. I highly recommend it for a chill night.

Disclaimer: I guess I should warn you that my husband in fact does not enjoy this movie. He did love the little boy but other than that he thinks this is the most depressing and boring Christmas movie ever. Which, some people are depressed around this time of year so maybe it will cheer them up. He did not want me to include this movie on this list but I told him to get his own blog.


2. Elf

Beverage to enjoy while watching: White Russian I’ll have to post my recipe as we move further into the holiday season but this one from A Beautiful Mess sounds so yum I can’t wait to try it!

Obviously, right? Like this wasn’t going to make the list. If you’ve been around since last year, you know that one of our traditions as a married couple is to decorate our tree and home all in one day followed by milk, cookies, and Elf! I don’t usually like to dip my cookies in alcoholic beverages so I’ll do a half (if that) glass of milk with my few cookies then follow up with a White Russian for the duration of the movie.

I can’t drink too many though because they make me feel super full super fast, I’m not really a big milk person anyway. That and a hangover from these is pretty wicked so…you’ve been warned! As far as the movie goes, if you haven’t seen it yet…I’m sorry about the coma you’ve been in these last 12 years but you should totally check it out.


3. This Christmas

Beverage to enjoy while watching: Hot Toddy For this particular movie I would suggest (and want to try for myself!) the Hot Apple Ginger Toddy. This movie is set in a warmer climate so you won’t see snow but it’s got those cool, jazzy holiday vibes so I felt a brown liquor was appropriate.

I love this movie. I just love holiday movies centered around family drama because we all have it! Every family has issues of some sort whether they be big or small, many or few. And if there’s tension anywhere, the holiday season is typically the time we all feel it because we’re all around each other, right? Even though it’s a time to focus on the love we all have for one another, it doesn’t always start out that way and can get a little messy. I always hope for everyone though that if that is your family, it turns out alright like it does in this movie.

It even ends with a soul train line. I mean, how much more family fun can you have?! This movie will certainly make you smile, laugh and even groove a little bit. I love movies with good music. Also- I just want to point out that Chris Brown was in this movie before he went a little nuts. Ha! He seemed like such a sweetheart back in the day. Oh well…

The Polar ExpressO1Via

4. The Polar Express

Beverage to enjoy while watching: Hot Chocolate of course! Bailey’s optional.. ;) I’ve had this hot chocolate recipe pinned forever and I’m finally going to try it this year!

This movie is a part of another holiday tradition we have. We always have hot chocolate and watch The Polar Express on Christmas Eve. Unlike Elf, we will watch this many times before that night but it’s just a special way to almost say goodbye to watching it. Or ‘until next time’.

Christmas Day and every day following always feels like everyone is in such a rush or geared up for the changing of the year. Christmas Eve is such an important night to me because it’s where we just slow down for what feels like the first time in a while and the last time for a while (or at least until we get into the groove of the new year). This movie might even be my all time favorite to watch during the holiday season. I always feel so moved by it.

The Family StoneO1Via

5. The Family Stone

Beverage to enjoy while watching: Your favorite glass of wine!

I love- love, love- this movie. It’s older (2005) but I still feel like I come across a lot of people who have never seen it. It’s another dysfunctional yet functional family story with some sadness sprinkled in. Although it might cause a tear or two, the ending leaves you with hope still, and I love that. This story is certainly a little wild but I’m sure something similar has happened in real life somewhere in the world.

My girl Rachel McAdams is a part of the cast among so many other greats. I suggest this movie for a cozy night in with the gals or your partner. Either one works because it’s got a very cozy and laid back vibe…which is why I suggest your favorite glass of wine- as well as pjs! Yes, I feel like people should watch this movie in their pajamas. A fireplace would be nice too, but if you don’t have that then light some candles and pile the blankets on the couch. Disclaimer: Even though I do it (because I’ve seen it so many times) I wouldn’t suggest watching this movie alone for the first time. You’ve been warned.

And now for my honorable mention…..


Honorable Mention: Dumb&Dumber

This is another one my husband didn’t want me to include because he says it is not a Christmas movie but as I have mentioned before I kinda feel like it is so……..he can get his own blog ;) I feel like you can just crack open a beer and watch this whenever you need a laugh or the “holiday blues” start to get to you. This movie always reminds me not to take myself too seriously and sometimes I think we could use that reminder during this always crazy time of the year!



I hope you enjoyed my list of holiday movie favorites! Let me know if you watch any of them paired with the drinks and what you think if it’s your first time!! Any new holiday movies coming out this year you want to see? My Diane Keaton loving heart can’t wait to see Love the Coopers! What about you?!



Halloween 2015!

You guys. You know how I am usually terrible at preserving the moment in picture? Well, I am on fire here lately and I have a bomb of Halloween 2015 photos for you to prove it! After some bumps in the road, we followed through with our plans to do Halloween in my hometown of Wilmington and it was a blast. We brought one of Andre’s best friends from highschool, Justin, along with us and got to spend time with some of my friends as well.


I spent much of the day putting together Andre’s costume. Mainly just tracking down a Hawaiian print shirt and making his mug shot sign. He went as H.I McDunnough from one of our favorite movies, Raising Arizona. If you haven’t seen it, you should. It’s Nicolas Cage gold. Holly Hunter is in it as well and is amazing of course.


I went as a 70’s disco queen and literally felt like I was living out a past life experience. I loved my costume so much that I want to wear it out again sometime. Ha! I’m not exactly sure where I got it but I do know it’s an authentic outfit from the time. I want to say I got it from my grandmother but it could have been someone else’s grandmother. I got the costume from someone’s grandma, possibly mine, not sure. ANYWAYYYY I had the shoes, borrowed the arm bangle, got the earrings from Claire’s for $1. The wig wasn’t too pricey so all in all, our costumes were pretty cheap.


The night wouldn’t have been expensive overall if I wouldn’t have dropped my phone at the very first bar we went to! After the getting my shattered phone screen fixed the overall price of the night will go up about $150. Oops! Lesson learned, trust me!

shattered phone screen

That aside, everything else in the night was perfection. A few friends who were going to a bonfire in lieu of the downtown bars still met us out for drinks and bar food before the night kicked into high gear.

ladies70’s disco queen, Catwoman and Wonder Woman!

It was still fairly early (for downtown party time) when we finished eating but we wanted to skip out on waiting in line forever for the place we knew we wanted to start the night out in, so we just headed straight over from dinner. After a quick 2 minute walk, we were the first ones to get there which may be lame to some but this is my FAVORITE time to be there. I love having all that space on the dance floor to boogy without being shoulder to shoulder and to take photos. It’s so fun!

skb and justinSKB as Medusa with an amazing headpiece she made herself! And Justin as…well, you get it ;)

solo on the dance floorSolo on the dance floor!



Once it started to fill up it was still fun as the energy was good awesome. People were dancing, asking to take photos with Justin, just having a good time all around. It was here we met up with my sweet friend Kristi Ray! She was dressed as a Unicorn with her horn made out of a decorative mini Christmas tree and headband she put together herself. It was awesome!

unicorn fun

dance floor fun

Before we left we hung around on the second level of the bar for some more mellow music and photo opportunities of course! This is where a girl spilled a drink all over me but it was totally cool because…I’ve been that girl. Guilty. I was about 6 tequila shots deep at that point so I was literally giving zero fuvks, I was having too much fun!

me n skb


mug shot

red lights

great photographyVision.

Photo taking began to decline at this point as more drinks were consumed and more friends joined in on the fun. We left here to find our friend Hal who brought his new roommate James along. We all made our way to a new bar and met another friend, Jenna, who joined in on the festivities after she got off work. I was so glad she made it out with us!



We stayed out until riiight around 2AM (before the clock switched back!) and then decided it was time for pizza! The cab got there before we had a chance to order so Hal stayed behind with another and brought a couple of pies back to our house. A few more friends joined for drinking games and we all hung as long as we possibly could.

end of the night

I would say it was a very successful Halloween night! It was a lot of fun being able to let loose in my hometown with some of my very favorite people. I hope everyone had a safe night with people they love! Since it took us FOREVER to decide on what to be this year, Andrew&I already have our costumes planned out for next year…and it’s going to be epic.

I hope everyone had a happy Halloween! Any festivities you’d like to share?! Tell me a fun story from your night or leave a link to your blog post in the comments! I love reading about fun!

Until next time….



Ghosts of Halloweens past…

The end of October is quickly approaching and I don’t even have my costume figured out yet. That my friends, is a scary thought! Over the years, Halloween has become one of my most favorite holidays and it’s always been a dream of mine to have an annual epic Halloween party but I think Andre and I need to get some things settled first before we do that…like I don’t know…decide where we want to settle?!

My epic annual Halloween party will eventually happen I’m sure, but one thing I already love to do every year is dress up! To be honest, over the past few years I have reused costumes out of laziness because I’ve either been working or unable to really do anything but this year, Andre and I BOTH are off work and it’s 3 days before Halloween and neither of us have decided on anything officially. We are slacking for sure. So while I ponder today what I will dress as this weekend, I thought it would be fun to share a few moments from Halloweens past…

This first photo is circa 2007? I’m pretty sure I was a junior in high school and I’m pretty sure my parents had no clue I was dressing like this. I got ready at my friend Blaine’s house who was the “good” to my “evil”. We were also Angel and Mimi from rent I think the next year but I couldn’t find that photo unfortunately! and yes I was wearing little dance shorts under that tutu…as if that makes the costume any less scandalous. ha!

goodandevilPart of me can’t believe I’m posting this.

Next up is I believe 2009? Yea, I’m pretty sure. I went downtown to an 18 and up club with my friend at the time who dressed up as a bunch of grapes. It was a pretty clever costume with a million balloons pinned to him. Everyone loved my costume and some girl convinced me to go out for the costume contest but of course it was one of those “all the people you know scream for you” kind of things so when it came time for people to cheer for me…my friend was literally the ONLY one who cheered for me and it was an Even though he&I haven’t spoken in years, I think about that hilariously embarrassing moment and laugh still to this day. I have yet to enter another costume contest. ha! I did meet another Cleopatra on the way back to the car though so we snapped a photo together.

cleo2I had the jewelry&shirt, got the skirt&wrap at goodwill and bought the wig&headpiece. I’ve used it again a few times!

And last but not least…last year. This year was particularly fun because it was the first I spent with Andre and his friends together. We went to Charlotte for the weekend and just bounced around a bar crawl they were having. It was a blast although it started off kind of rocky. Leave it to me to leave my ENTIRE makeup case at home and have to go to target to rebuy literally everything. It was so frustrating. But once all that was worked out, it was a great time. Andre and I don’t always do couples costumes but on occasion we will. This particular year we didn’t go full out but when he decided on The Cat in the Hat, I went with just a regular ol kitty cat using clothes I had in my closet and some $7 cat ears. Of course add the price of my makeup and it was like a $110 costume. Is that another epic fail? Even if so, the night certainly wasn’t!

halloween2014Andre n friends

I’m super excited for this weekend and can’t wait to see everyone’s costumes! Have you chosen anything yet?!


Life lately…

Well helloooooo there!

I’ve gone pretty much this entire month without updating here and I kinda hate that but kinda don’t because I know how absolutely crazy this month has been for me and sometimes you need to just take a step back on some things to more intently focus on others and that’s what I’ve been doing. I suppose I could have mentioned I would be away before just seeming to disappear off of the face of the earth but to be honest, I haven’t really been able to see much in my life beyond a foot in front of me.

Over this past month, I have been smack in the middle of a job transition…or two…and things probably won’t officially calm down until – well… maybe 2016! Ha! I wanted to say middle of November but by that time, Holiday season will be in full swing and I don’t think anyone calls that time of year any word associated with “calm”. Not saying it’s bad, just fast paced with family gatherings and other events and whatnot.

So! I say all that to say that for those of you who venture here to see what I’m up to, I apologize for leaving you on the edge of your seat for so long but there hasn’t really been much to update other than the job stuff and I can’t even really update on that because I’m still in transition. BUT! When I’ve settled into my new routine, I would love to share and can’t wait to honestly :)

I have missed my blogging buddies, too! In addition to putting a blogging binder together and trying to figure out a course of action to keep this space updated more regularly (which made me realize how much I really have been collecting to share here!), I’ve tried to catch up on reading and commenting and all that a little bit last week but then went pretty much a whole ‘nother week without really having time to read any at all so I’m beginning to feel like I’m forever behind in seeing what’s up with everyone else too…non-blogging friends included! Hopefully as my new routine continues to iron out over the next couple of weeks I can get back to what feels on track with all of that.

There hasn’t been much time for extracurricular activities lately but that all changed this past weekend with a trip to my hometown! I got to visit Wilmington Friday-Sunday and it was amazing. I had a wonderful car ride there with my sister in law, checked a bunch of things off of my to-do list (like go see my Chiropractor! I refuse to change!) and even though things didn’t go exactly as planned, I got to spend time with some family and friends as well. Andre wasn’t able to join me on this trip but I still made the most of it and had a blast.

Friday after running my errands I went to visit a friend at the beach. The ocean, plus random fireworks obviously equals magic. Then I went downtown with my girlfriend Hayley to a trap music party. It was fun dressing up for the event and then continuing to bounce around from place to place dressed up. I didn’t know I would need a costume so I had to get something earlier in the day which ended up being a t-shirt that said “THIS IS MY COSTUME” and a pink wig. It was a big hit though!

cat women and pink haried girl1I look like a tiny little alien creature and my friend looks like a voluptuous goddess with mermaid hair.


selfie sessionSelfie session…

cute selfie

silly selfie

 best medicineThe best of times!

 Saturday I attended my very first Greek wedding with my friends Sarah and Patrick. Our mutual friend Alexii married her long time love Alex. Fairytale status right?! You may have seen my multiple posts on IG (@jlynnjustad). I don’t typically post there every day but I updated multiple times that night because I had SO. MUCH. FUN. They certainly know how to throw a party. Sarah performed a belly dance routine and it was amazing. Even with the back of her top popping open at the end of the song! Ha! Oops! After we decided to head out of the reception (that was going till 2am!) we found ourselves downtown before retiring for the night.

the crewThe crew otw!

the ladiesThe ladies

 beautiful weddingBeautiful ceremony

thebandhelping SKB get ready for her performance!


thecrewpt2The crew part 2!

20yearsest. 1996

Sunday I caught up on some sleep, went shopping for something I super excited to talk about in a couple weeks(!!) and spent some time at my grandmother’s house with my precious cousin, planning her Sweet 16 birthday party that is quickly approaching. It was so sweet to have dinner with them and chat about all the fun times to be had in celebration of her sweet little life :)


I love when I get to go back and visit my hometown even though it feels different every time, especially when Andre isn’t with me. I’m thankful though for every opportunity I get to go back and see as many of my loved ones as possible. Even though everything didn’t go as planned, I had so much fun and hope to see those I couldn’t see this time, next time!

I’m hoping to be able to update more frequently now…heres hoping. Ha! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend as well and you know that I love you tons and am sending you lots of good energy!





Hurricane happenings

So it’s Friday, and this weekend we are supposed to be hosting a Frisbee Golf (Folf) tournament but then there is this guy….

hurricane Joaquinvia

Being from the beach, hurricane watch is something I grew up doing. I remember being a child and waiting patiently for the eye of the storm to come about so I could go play outside with my neighborhood friends. Missing school was a perk..until summer came and brought the make-up days with it. All I saw at that age was fun mixed in with a little bit of adrenalin from the “fear” of a big storm but thunder, lightening, wind and rain are not concepts that have ever really scared me.

It wasn’t until I got older that I realized how detrimental these events can be. My heart and prayers are certainly with all those that are baring down through Joaquin at the moment. Reports are that someone in the Carolinas has already lost their life to a tree that toppled over onto a car and we aren’t even in the thick of the storm. There is a state of emergency here in NC (and SC) as of right now because of potential flooding but from what I can gather, the worst of the storm isn’t expected to pass over land here.

I’m thankful for that but it still means possible rough weather for all my loved ones at the beach and of course, these things can change course if they so choose. As of yesterday it was just an aggravating sprinkle all day long and if anything major does happen, rumor is it will be on Sunday. So all I can do from a few hours away is send lots of good energy to my friends, family and really everyone dealing with Joaquin and his mess while I wait to see the sun again from here…


And of course this weather is paining my heart to remember the destruction of my beloved Hunter boots.


Yep, you’re viewing that right. I got my first pair of Hunter boots last year to see what all the fuss was about and unlike my PSL experienceI loved them. They are so warm and comfy and beautiful. And of course- just as the season got right for me to break them back out, I discover that my cat yep – CAT– had utterly destroyed them.


I mentioned it on twitter (@jlynnjustad) when I found them not too long ago but I am really feeling the pain here lately with Joaquin throwing me all this lovely Hunter boot weather. The worst part is knowing that it is totally my fault for not keeping them in the box! But then again…this is why I have cats, and not a dog! What the heck, Nox?!

I will have to write up about my boys on here sometime soon because they are certainly the strangest little feline creatures. I haven’t ordered a new pair yet. I’ve been thinking about finding a retailer and just buying them in store but I haven’t decided what I want to do yet. I think I’m also partly punishing myself for not taking more precautions and keeping them in the box. I certainly won’t under estimate my kitties next time!

I hope wherever you are, you are safe and make it through this weekend, Joaquin or no Joaquin. Keep all of us east coasters in your thoughts and maybe on Monday I’ll have a “hurricane party” of sorts to update you about ;)

Lots of love to you, friends!


The Bucket List: The PSL

Happy hump day yall! and what better day to publish this particular post than on the 1 week closer to summer anniversary of Autumn!

This past weekend, on Saturday, I got to spend 30 precious minutes with one of  my very best gals, Julia, as she was passing through my area. We couldn’t catch up for long as she had to be back on her way, but I was thrilled to be able to see her for any amount of time. It was awesome too because she was with me as I crossed another thing off my bucket list: TRY A PUMPKIN SPICE LATTE! And the verdict is….


As indicted by my friend’s beautiful thumb positioned in the downturned direction (but not by my smiling face..ha!)…I hated it. I was kinda scared going into it that I was going to love it and my wallet was going to hate it but it turns out it was dislike on both accounts. I got the smallest one, the regular way with whipped cream on top and…it was so disgusting I couldn’t finish it even though I paid over $4 for it. What is this coffee/Starbucks obsession?! I just don’t get it. But I don’t need to I suppose. To each their own! I did take one of these totally awesome (“basic” I believe they’re called?) Starbucks cup in front of the steering wheel pics though. I left out the vehicle brand because there is some dried ketchup right next to the word JEEP #letsbereal.

There are a bunch of homemade recipes out there and I would actually love to give them a try. Just wanted to check out the holy Starbucks PSL hype. As far as other exciting events from this past weekend…I went to Target without buying a single thing #winning and bought my first bag of candy corn with no shame #alsowinning. The bag of candy corn was from Target but that was purchased on a separate occasion. Booyah.

I hope you are all have a stellar week thus far! I wouldn’t recommend a PSL but maybe a nice cup of hot coco! Hello, I’m 5.

Until next time, friends!


Wedding crashing

Hello all!!

Did you see the super blood moon last night?! We made a couple attempts but it was pretty cloudy in our parts. We caught a glimpse of it while still eclipsed but it was no longer red. When we were going to bed around 11:45 I noticed how it look like dawn outside so I walked out only to see a gigantic fully round night light in the sky that was so piercing and crystal clear it was amazing. It was cool to see it go from what was more like a half moon to full in less than an hour. It was a beautiful sight. Andrew and I vowed to be somewhere with perfect viewing conditions for the next go round in 33 years or whatever :p

I hope things are going well for you! If you’ve been here recently you know I’ve been spending time accepting that summer has come to a close and watching fun girlie things on TV like the Miss America Pageant. I mentioned in that post that I had been invited to attend a wedding that weekend and I wanted to share a few snaps from the event because I had so much fun!


I was invited by one of my very best, Ashley, who was a friend of the bride. It was so fun getting all dolled up and hitting the town for a girls night out in downtown Raleigh! I did learn a few lessons about the importance of ALWAYS wearing comfortable shoes when attending a wedding and if you can’t, then making sure you have some easy slip ons to walk in if you have a few blocks to the venue.

Everyone is probably rolling their eyes at me right now like “DUHHHHH JLYNN” but I’m not from a city. I’m from the beach, and personally, I just don’t usually wear heels when I go out. I do sometimes but even then it’s usually like…hop out of the cab and walk up to the door to where you’re going. How all those celebrities get away with wearing those ridiculous shoes all the time totally makes sense to me now. They don’t actually walk anywhere.

streetselfiestreet selfie

Sex and the City has mislead us all! We had to go about 3 blocks from parking to the wedding  venue, 3 blocks back to the car and then 5 blocks from the car to the reception venue and that was all it took to give me blisters. All the girls had their shoes off on the outdoor dance floor by the end of the night anyway so I probably wasn’t the only one feeling the burn, but I was certainly super relieved to not be the only barefoot baby shakin’ it to Cheerleader [insert music note emoji here]. I can definitely see myself investing in some of those foldable flats I always see floating around on Pinterest. Anyone ever tired them before? Thoughts?

OK OK ALREADY enough of my painful shoe experience rant and enjoy some photos of me and my wedding date! Well, technically I was the wedding date ;)

wedding crashing

wedding date 2

bouquetShe caught the bouquet!

no shoesno shoes lyfe!

dance floor fundance floor fun!

I am so thankful to my sweet friend for inviting me! I had such a good time. Can’t wait for the next wedding we get to attend together! I wish many many years of happiness&blessings to the happy couple.

Sending you all lots of love and other good energy on this Monday morning!



Accepting a change in season


On Friday, I gave in. I accepted that fall was coming and summer would soon be over. Sure it would be nice to live in a place where the weather is always perfect sunny and 70’s, but living in a place where the seasons change is a good thing too, I think.

Every few months you are reminded that you should accept that things will change over time even if you don’t want to because they will most likely change anyway. This is especially evident when your favorite season is coming to a close. Those first few weeks can be the hardest as you realize the air is a different temperature (no matter how hard you have tried to ignore it), the earth around you is changing right before your eyes and summertime is moving on. But then- you rest easy knowing it will come around again, hopeful that you’ll get to experience it.

And that is where the jewel of this life is found.


In deciding to give in to the new season approaching and paint my nails a color more suited for fall, I was reminded that there is always hope and for that my heart is full of gratitude. The simplest of moments can give way to the largest lessons, even something like just choosing a nail color. I’m currently learning to see the biggest and best of life in every little thing.

Farewell to the most groovy of all seasons! But it’s nice to see you again, Autumn.

So, happy first day of Autumn to you and may the pumpkin spice be ever your flavor ;P


My ‘Top 7’ thoughts on the 2016 Miss America pageant

Hello all!!

This past weekend was a busy one for me. I had a friend in town and got to attend a magical wedding (after a few bumps in the road!) but I’ll get to that later because today I want to talk about last night’s Miss America Pageant.


If you didn’t watch and you don’t mind spoilers…our new Miss America is 21 year old (I think that’s correct) Betty Cantrell from Georgia. Let me first say that I am super happy for the winner and wish her the best year of her life to date. I mean, come on, with a name like Betty Cantrell…you were destined to win right? ha!

I have to be honest and admit that I was first rooting for my home state of NC but then turned my affections to SC as she was placed in the top 15. Some things about this year were great…others not so much…but many things were noteworthy.

The Vanessa Williams apology

This is one of those things that I thought was great and connects to a lot of what I touch on in this post. There were a lot of people on twitter who were not so pleased but I have to say that I was. If you are unaware of the situation, lets have a mini history lesson. 10 months after Vanessa was crowned, she was backed into a corner to resign after nude photos she had taken two years prior surfaced. Penthouse published them and Vanessa’s life was turned upside down. After being the first African American woman crowned, she already had a tough time in her reign, then the photo ‘scandal’ happened. You can read more about all that here .

People who were not ok with it felt she was receiving an apology for making a stupid decision but I’m not sure I see it that way. I recall the situation with Tara Conner (Miss USA 2006) who after a drug ‘scandal’ (don’t you just love that word…), was given a second chance by none other than the terrible Donald Trump (and his people I’m sure).

What I’m trying to say is that to me, the apology felt like an extension of grace that she didn’t receive all those years ago because it wasn’t the norm in the culture at the time. Maybe some of it had to do with here color but maybe not. Maybe it was only because of the nude photos. I suppose you could ask where to draw the line but that brings me to my next observation…

The fear of “sexy”

I got SO tired of listening to the contestants separate sexy from classy. During evening gown, when describing their dresses, they all kept saying things like “I don’t think it’s too sexy…it’s classy” “I want to be classy..” I’m looking at you GA! But she wasn’t the only one, they all pretty much got up there and said something similar except for (I think) Louisiana. She took the position that sexy and classy can be one in the same. Sexy to her was equal to confidence and hearing that was a breath of fresh air. Why do we continue on with the notion that sexy=trashy? To me that sounds like a jealous judgment started by other females who felt insecure. Either that or it’s a cultural thing that needs to be done away with.

My question is, why do the Miss America contestants feel like they have to deny feeling sexy to be portrayed as classy?  I realize that in those voice overs they are being asked questions by producers and whatnot but if the girls really don’t feel this way, then why is the Miss America organization trying to draw out answers that only perpetuate a stereotype like that? Why do they- the girls and the organization- make it seem like to be sexy is a bad thing? Women can be classy and sexy at the same time!

Now whether or not having nude photos taken of you in the past goes in the “sexy” or “trashy” classification, I’m not sure if I want to make a judgment on that entirely as there are numerous styles in which people are photographed in the nude but it does make me wonder about…

The lack of diversity

I could spend this entire time talking about how there were FOUR women of color in the ENTIRE GROUP OF 51 GIRLS but even beyond that, as I get older, I wonder where are the women with life experience beyond school and charity work? Where are the women with tattoos? Where are the women with past mistakes and bad decisions that have risen above them?

I have always love the Miss America organization and I always will, having competed myself as a teen. The young women involved are in fact AMAZING but sitting at home, I couldn’t help but wonder whether or not I would feel I belonged had I not participated all those years ago. It’s one thing to be a role model, it’s another to be a symbol of unattainable perfection.

This is another reason why I felt the apology to Vanessa was so necessary because it didn’t feel like condoning nude photos, it felt like extending grace to someone who is a beautiful and wonderful person, who made a decision that was less than stellar (depending on your view point). It doesn’t matter whether you think it was right or wrong, everyone messes up, even Miss Americas.

Now moving on to the more creative aspects of the competition…

Miss Colorado’s monologue

Ok so first I need to start off by saying I thought what she did was AMAZING. I think it’s a beautiful thing the way she has become a voice for the amazing community of nurses we have in this country and the beloved patients that they treat. However- utoh..- I do not think what she did was an acceptable ‘talent’ option.

Someone on twitter said to me that nursing is a talent- ok, I can believe and agree with that but she didn’t do anything nursing related on stage. Acting is most certainly a talent, but she wasn’t embodying a character in that piece. She was speaking about a personal experience so there was no acting really involved. The only thing of talent I felt like she exhibited was her public speaking ability. That is most certainly a talent and I would have given her points for maybe that alone.

As Miss America you do need to be poised when you speak at engagements and I felt confident she could represent the country amazingly in that aspect by what she did. Another way to show your public speaking abilities though is with…

Onstage Question

This is typically my favorite part of the competition. I don’t care how smart you are, or how awesome of a public speaker you are- this just sucks all the air from your lungs, your heart is racing, your stomach is upside down- it’s insane. The pressure is real. This year, I’m sad to say that I was beyond disappointed with this phase of the competition.

First of all, these questions were overall awful. I’m not sure if the judges write them or what but they were terrible. They were too opinion influenced I felt. There weren’t enough questions asking for ideas for change. Would you cut funding for Planned Parenthood? Ok this question is relevant but I just felt the phrasing was a little too…presidential debate and not American woman with insight. Who wouldy you put on the $10 bill? I think that was an essay question for middle schoolers this year as well. Do you think Tom Brady cheated? What??!

Despite their questions, some answered alright and some aren’t welcome in the New England area anymore. I was really hoping SC would kill the question because I thought that might get her the crown but then she didn’t even place so I’m not sure what happened there but I didn’t think her answer was that bad at all. As a whole, some things just didn’t fit. It wasn’t just the onstage question portion but for me it was also…

The ‘reality tv’ feel

I’ve seen multiple times where Vanessa Williams was quoted as saying the pageant is going in a new direction but I’m not sure I like it! It felt like I was watching an American Idol style of pageant instead of a competition for poise and grace. For instance, why were the judges on the stage? That was just tacky to me. I want to see the competitors, NOT the judges faces!

And then to stop and talk to the judges right there on stage like it was about them as well? I just ‘can’t even’. I remember feeling a little uneasy when they started bringing the girls out in their talent attire and calling them to perform from there but it’s not so bad. This whole…judges are a part of the show thing though…it’s got to go. Along with….

Top 7????????????

What the heck was that about? No seriously, does anyone know? That was just. Awful. No more words than that. Just awful.


So there you have it, my ‘top 7’ (LOL) thoughts on last night’s pageant! If you missed it and didn’t set your DVR, I’m sure they’ll be running it on CMT here today/tomorrow or at some point here in the near future. If you did watch, I’d love to hear what you thought in the comments below or post a link to your own blog post with your thoughts!

Happy Monday to ya!



The Makeup Mix-Up: Green with Envy

Hello Makeup Mix-Up beauties!!!

And of course those of you who don’t participate, hello to you too! By the way…about that, you don’t have to have a blog to participate in this link up! You can use #themakeupmixup on instagram to join in on the fun as well ;)

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been able to make this happen and I’m happy to be back, especially because I was quite pleased with my final results! I will admit, I was a little nervous about using color…literally all the eye colors I own are neutral so I had to go buy something! ha! I’m glad I did though because I didn’t look as absurd as I thought I would with my lack of makeup application skills. I suppose this shade of green would still be considered earthy, but it was out of the norm for me for sure. Every time I participate in this link up it causes me to step out of the box and it always boosts my confidence in my abilities. I just love that!


Although it’s not my favorite color, I do love green. Emerald is my birthstone and I always felt like that was so appropriate for me for some reason. I went through this stage of wanting it to be a pearl, but I knew deep down the Emerald was the correct stone for me.

I went with a green and gold blend because neutrals are my comfort zone so I thought that would help balance out my nerves a bit and hide my lack of talent/skill. I figured I could blend a color that I was a little more comfortable with while I’m still in these “learning” stages. I will say though, it seems that every time I’ve put aside some time and actually tried, I’ve surprised myself!


In terms of what I used to achieve this look it’s fairly simple. Before work I put on my e.l.f Mineral Infused Face Primer (clear) underneath my NYX Tinted moisturizer (tan). I applied NYX Dark Circle Concealer Correcteur (medium- love this stuff!), Givenchy mascara (black taffeta), and a little bit of e.l.f Blush (tickled pink) as well. After I clocked out I picked up some Milani eyeshadow (Bella Emerald) and blended it together with MAC eye shadow (amber lights-gold&most darling-brown)  and e.l.f shadow (enchanted-gold) to create this look. I touched up my mascara and blush, adding a little bit of bronzer from my Urban Decay Naked pallet (flushed) underneath my cheekbones. To finish it off I lined my lips with a MAC lipliner (whirl) and put some coconut oil on top. I probably could have used a little mascara on the tops of my lashes. oops! next time ;)


And there you have it! I’m thankful to have branched out and tried something like this because I have a wedding that I am attending this weekend and I just might try this again!!

Also, you may already know that I’ve been working on going completely cruelty free with my products. I could probably say that I have pretty much done that but I do still use some of my old products that are not animal friendly. I threw most of them out but I did hold on to a few of them. I haven’t purchased anything that isn’t on the cruelty free list here in the last six months unless I just genuinely wasn’t paying attention but I am still learning and working on it. If you’re interested in doing the same you should check out Tashina at Logical Harmony. It’s a great blog with a lot of information on how to go cruelty free or vegan with your products. There is an awesome Cruelty Free&Vegan Brand List and she even provides weekly updates on cruelty free brands to keep you up to date on changes in the industry. I’ve really enjoyed learning about product options!

Another thing I wanted to mention is that I know I don’t have any photos of what the look is like with my eyes not looking down…I hope you’ll continue to bare with me as I learn how to do this. Ha! I will say my husband is starting to get the hang of taking my picture without complaining that I’ve stopped him right in the middle of a disc golf session.


I hope you’re having a wonderful week! Lots of love to you



Linking up with Jaelan and Miranda today!! ♥